Many of the links from this page will take you to web sites that contain works not yet in the Public Domain and Festival Singers of Wellington urge you to respect the rights of the copyright holders. Until a piece of music has passed into the Public Domain, you must always assume that it is subject to copyright under whatever legislation applies in your country. These can be viewed and printed with Capella Reader which can be downloaded here:

Other sites, particularly sites from Germany, have scores in Capella format. Click on the button below to download Scorch: Some sites have Sibelius files that can be viewed, played and printed using Sibelius Scorch software which can be downloaded free of charge. Click on the button below to download Acrobat Reader: Note that to view and print PDF files you will need to have a copy of Adobe Acrobat Reader which can be obtained, free of charge, from Adobe’s web site.

In some cases music notation software files can be downloaded. Generally these are PDF (portable document format) files, and some sites give you the opportunity to listen to sound files in any of a range of formats. This page provides links to choral music publishers and composers who have complete or sample scores available for viewing or downloading.