This is especially great for empty buildings that do not provide any RCI at all. Lastly, you can also consider the magnet tool mod, that allows you to add RCI to any specific target. on a pure residential neighborhood, the town developer will only add residential buildings. If using the Instant Town Developer described above, only buildings of the existing RCI will be built – i.e. So if you want an all-industrial neighborhood, for example, just reduce residential and commercial to 0. This wonderful mod works just like the vanilla plop-a-town tool, but also allows you to plop cities but also allows you to fine tune all the RCI parameters. However, this is largely addressed through the use of the following mod: The vanilla town plopper builds all three RCI buildings when plopping a town down. Unfortunately, Transport Fever has no direct control over zoning. You can also use the following mod to disable development across the entire map: To avoid this, you “lock” streets to prevent development alongside them, as per the following image: Sometimes in places where you do not want them. Just a reminder that cities develop with time, and so will continually add redevelop existing buildings and add new roads in. Each click will plop exactly one random building, so no overbuilding will occur. Just select the mod, and click away on the desired empty area to be filled. To quickly fill in gaps between town/neighborhoods without the need to adding more towns or plopping a*sets, I suggest the following mod: This will also be required if using one of the many a*sets available ingame to add variety to your cities. “schools” and large industrial or commercial parks or filling in empty spaces. This is tedious and better suited to building select detailed neighborhoods, i.e. The alternative is plopping each building manually. To get around this, you can either demolish roads with undesired low-rise buildings and plop again, or just use a*sets of corresponding height. So this method of zoning has some issues when trying to build a concrete jungle city, especially if you desire an uniform height. However, if the desired effect is a Mannhattan-style sprawl, then even with large cities plopped together you will have multiple dense cores surrounded by lower-rise buildings. This is not an issue when plopping small or tiny towns as no high-rises are built, so this method works great to quickly build low-rise cities.